
What happens if you eat...

1) mold 2) poop 3) too much protein 4) raw chicken 5) too much sugar 6) too much salt 7) weed 8) a cigarette 9) bad eggs 10) raw meat

Can I be a...

1) model 2) doctor 3) clown for halloween 4) nurse 5) male model 6) surgeon 7) lawyer 8) spy 9) foster parent 10) resident of two states

Should I go to...

1) law school 2) college 3) the er 4) grad school 5) the doctor 6) medical school 7) work today 8) the casino 9) the gym 10) bed

Can Jesus...

1) microwave a burrito 2) cure cancer 3) microwave a burrito youtube 4) visit you in a dream 5) heal me 6) talk to you 7) be god 8) come to you in a dream 9) microwave a burrito tumblr 10) save my marriage

How much does it cost to buy a...

1) star 2) house 3) dog 4) horse 5) building 6) domain name 7) hospital 8) car 9) whole cow 10) franchise

Why adults have...

1) stem cells            2) stem cells apex 3) night terrors 4) to work 5) security blankets 6) temper tantrums 7) tantrums 8) stem cell answers 9) acne 10) wet dreams